OSHChip - 32 bit Cortex-M0 with 256 KB Flash, 32KB RAM, and Bluetooth LE radio

OSHChip V1.0 is a miniature processor board that packs an amazing amount of functionality into the space of a traditional 16 pin DIP package. 

OSHChip Documentation

OSHChip on a breadboard

OSHChip on a breadboard

OSHChip Hardware

The heart of the OSHChip_V1.0 is a System-On-Chip (SOC)  nRF51822 manufactured by Nordic Semiconductors. The nrf51822 is an ARM Cortex-M0 32 bit 16 Mhz micro processor, 256KB Flash Memory, 32KB SRAM, Bluetooth BLE, Built-in antenna, range is 10 to 20 feet.

Software Development

Online mbed developemont platform

GCC and Yotta Toolchain

OSH-Chip - CMSIS-DAP Programmer Debugger

The OSHChip can be is programmed and debugged using the CMSIS Programmer Debugger

CMSIS Programmer Debugger

CMSIS Programmer Debugger

Teensy 3.6 and 3.5 - USB Microcontroller development system

The Teensy USB Development Board is a complete USB-based microcontoller development system.

Version 3.6 features a 32 bit 180 MHz ARM Cortex-M4 processor with floating point unit. All digital and analog pins are 3.3 volts. Do not apply more than 3.3V to any signal pin.

Sparkfun has a good Setup Tutorial

These datasheets are a useful reference

Teensy 3.6 32 Bit Arduino Compatible Microcontroller

Teensy 3.6 32 Bit Arduino Compatible Microcontroller

Teensy Version 3.5 features a 32 bit 120 MHz ARM Cortex-M4 processor with floating point unit. All digital pins are 5 volt tolerant.

Teensy 3.5 32 bit 120 MHz ARM Cortex-M4 processor with floating point unit.

Teensy 3.5 32 bit 120 MHz ARM Cortex-M4 processor with floating point unit.

1Bitsy - Open Source ARM dev board with Black Magic Probe - SWD Programmer/JTAG Debugger

1Bitsy is an embedded hardware/software development platform. With several main goals:

  1. Small size (38.1mm x 17.8mm or 1.5in x 0.7in) and low cost allowing you to embed the hardware inside your project and leaving it as part of it.

  2. Great debugging tools and simple and thin programming interfaces, making it very easy to understand how it works.

  3. Easy prototyping, you can cut and paste together the examples to get going very fast.

  4. Lot’s of tutorials, example projects and documentation, so you can choose your own path in learning embedded hardware development.

Use this Link to 1Bitsy Documentation. The Quick Start Guide is an excellent place to get going with this plafform.

1 Bitsy Open Source ARM Development Board

1 Bitsy Open Source ARM Development Board

The companion board used to debug the 1Bitsy using JTag/SWD is the Black Magic Probe. V2.

Documentation for the programmer debugger -> Black Magic Probe on Github


NodeMCU - Open source IoT platform

NodeMCU is an open source Iot platform. It includes firmware which runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC from Espressif Systems, and hardware which is based on the ESP-12 module. The term "NodeMCU" by default refers to the firmware rather than the development kits. The firmware uses the Lua scripting language.See the NodeMCU Wikipedia page for more details.

I have paired the NodeMCU board with the Blynk Iot Platform to control a strip of RGB LEDs in an art project. Blynk is an IoT platform to connect your devices to the cloud, design apps to control them, analyze telemetry data, and manage these deployed products at scale.

NodeMCU Open source IoT platform

NodeMCU Open source IoT platform

NodeMCU Open source IoT Platform

STM32 Discovery Kit for IoT node B-L475E-IOT01A with Zephyr RTOS platform

The B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit for IoT node allows users to develop applications with direct connection to cloud servers.

The Discovery kit enables a wide diversity of applications by exploiting low-power communication, multiway sensing and Arm® Cortex® -M4 core-based STM32L4 Series features.

The support for Arduino Uno V3 and PMOD connectivity provides unlimited expansion capabilities with a large choice of specialized add-on boards.

STM32DiscoveryKit - 1.jpg

The Vancouver Hack Space had a small group working with this board and the Zephyr RTOS platform. We met a number of times to work as a group on programming these boards.

Check the VHS ink for more details on Zephyr RTOS this project

Mechaduino - Open-source servo motor controller.

Mechaduino is an affordable open-source servo motor for DIY and professional mechatronics under development at Tropical Labs.  Mechaduino is Arduino-compatible for ease of use. These boards are attached to small servo motors to provide location feedback to allow for exact placement of motor. So no more problems due to missed steps! A short youtube video

Mechaduino - 1.jpg

i participated in a group build at The Vancouver Hack Space and also contributed to the board debugging on a hardware level at Hackaday.io. This involved reading board schematics, reading individual chip specifications and verifying components were properly laid on on the circuit board. I discovered a number of issues that needed to be resolved such as a missing ground pour under one chip and a missing pull-up resistor on one pin.

This board uses Microchip's ARM® Cortex®-M0+ based flash microcontroller, the ATSAMD21G18 is ideal for a wide range of home automation, consumer, metering, and industrial applications. I spent time learning about this chips architecture, instruction set and learned how to flash the bootloader.

Also learned about PID Controllers and how to tune these.

Tiny BLE - Bluetooth Low Energy development board

The Tiny BLE is a Bluetooth Low Energy development board designed with low energy consumption and small size in mind. It's integrated with current measurement feature to provide real time energy consumption data, which is essential for developers to optimize software to design long battery life devices. It supports ARM mbed cloud-based IDE with an handy C/C++ SDK and a large number of open source libraries, which makes prototyping and development extremely easy.

TinyBLE Bluetooth Low Energy Development Board

TinyBLE Bluetooth Low Energy Development Board


CMSIS DAP interface for drag-n-drop programming

Nordic nRF51822: ARM Cortex-M0 + 2.4GHz radio (BLE or ANT+)

Integrated current measurement and motion detection

Low power consumption

Compact modular design

